The Referencing Report is Malta’s national document which describes the Malta Qualifications Framework and the different levels of qualifications in Malta. It provides details of the parameters which need to be respected by any national qualification conferred in Malta in terms of the level of learning outcomes and number of credits. This report also describes the referencing process of the Malta Qualifications Framework (MQF) to other meta-frameworks, mainly: the European Qualifications Framework (EQF); the Qualifications Framework of the European Higher Education Area (QF/EHEA); and the Transnational Qualifications Framework of the Small States of the Commonwealth (TQF).
The Referencing Report enables local education and training institutions to develop courses leading to qualifications with level descriptors as stipulated by the MQF. It enables national qualifications to gain recognition both in Malta as well across the European Union. It also makes it possible for learners obtaining qualifications from foreign institutions in countries which have referenced their own National Qualifications Framework to the EQF, to have their foreign qualifications recognised against the MQF. Thus the Referencing Report is a useful document for education & training providers, learners, employers, social partners and other countries who would like to recognise their national qualifications with the MQF.
The first edition of the Referencing Report for Malta was published in 2009. Malta was the first country (as recognised also by the Council of Europe) to reference its framework to two European overarching frameworks (EQF and QF-EHEA) as well as the Transnational Qualifications Framework (TQF). In 2024, we refer to the fifth edition of the Referencing Report, which represents a compilation of knowledge and expertise gathered from the numerous individuals and entities in the dynamic landscape of Further and Higher Education (FHE) in Malta.