The National Quality Assurance Framework
The National Quality Assurance Framework for Further and Higher Education provides guidance to educational institutions that embark on the processes of Internal and External Quality Assurance in order to enhance the learning outcomes provided through their educational programmes. It is underpinned by the following six principles:
1 | The Framework is based on European Standards and Guidelines and enriched by the European Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training (EQAVET) which has subsequently been adapted to the Maltese context. |
2 | It Contributes towards a national quality culture leading to increased satisfaction and number of service users, and enhanced international profile and credibility for local providers operating in Malta and promotes Malta as a regional provider of excellence in Further and Higher education |
3 | Internal quality assurance should be designed to be fit for purpose according to the courses provided and services users |
4 | The External Quality Assurance process shall serve as a tool for development and accountability for all stakeholders, including learners and employers |
5 | The Framework shall revolve around the learning outcomes-based Quality cycle |
6 | The NCFHE shall act with integrity and impartiality in its External Quality Assurance function through autonomous responsibility for it;’s operations transparency and objectivity |
This Framework was presented in a Consultative Conference with stakeholders on the 25th July 2014 and was officially launched on the 1st July 2015.
The National Quality Assurance Framework for Further and Higher Education was a key deliverable of ESF Project 1.227 ‘Making Quality Visible’.