Guidelines for QA in WBL
The MFHEA is aware of the many potential benefits of including work-based learning components into learning programmes. Thus, the MFHEA aims to provide clear guidelines to ensure that courses that include a work-based learning component, being extensive or limited, genuinely prepare prospective learners well for their professional futures in the long term. The Guidelines for Quality Assurance for courses that include a Work-Based Learning Component report draws upon the guidance within the 2016 NCFHE Referencing Report, extensive EU and international policy documentation on the subject matter, internationally published academic peer-reviewed research, Maltese policy documents and current practices within Maltese institutions.
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The MFHEA, which is EQAVET National Reference Point (NRP), provides support to the implementation of the EQAVET Framework in Malta through the EQAVET project. Read more about EQAVET Project and deliverables here.