Call for Expression of Interest to be a member of the Quality Assurance Committee within the MFHEA
In accordance with Regulation 4 (4) of Subsidiary Legislation 607.03, the Malta Further and Higher Education Authority (MFHEA) is mandated to establish a Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) tasked with overseeing its licensing, accreditation, and quality assurance functions. As the current term of the present committee nears its conclusion, and to be in line with the new regulations set by the recent amendments in the afore-mentioned legislation, the MFHEA invites applications from esteemed professionals, both locally and internationally, to join the QAC.
The QAC assumes a critical role within MFHEA’s governance structure, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards governing licensing, accreditation, and quality assurance. It holds authority in the development and endorsement of external quality assurance protocols essential for MFHEA’s operations.
The responsibilities of the QAC:
- Draft and approve external QA processes of the Authority.
- Approve program evaluators for program accreditation.
- Approve peer reviewers for external quality assurance audits.
- Approve peer reviewers for ad hoc EQA audits appeals committees.
- Approve program evaluators for program accreditation appeals.
- Discuss EQA audit reports and recommends its provider accreditation decision to the MFHEA Board.
- Provide feedback and expertise on other matters such as update of the Referencing Document, guidelines issued by the Authority on QA of teaching and learning, and QA Guidelines on Work Based Learning Components.
- Provide any feedback related to Further and Higher Education as requested by the Authority.
The Committee shall be made up of the following members:
- One individual holding a qualification at MQF Level 8 in the Arts sector, appointed for a maximum of three (3) years.
- One individual holding a qualification at MQF Level 8 in the Science sector, appointed for a maximum of three (3) years.
- One individual holding a qualification at MQF Level 8 in the Vocational Education sector, appointed for a maximum of three (3) years.
- Two individuals with expertise in Quality Assurance in Education, appointed for a maximum of four (4) years.
- A lawyer who has the necessary experience and qualities according to law to be appointed as a magistrate, appointed for a maximum of three (3) years.
- One representative from the medical sector or ancillary professions, appointed for a maximum of three (3) years.
- Two students pursuing a full program of studies leading to a qualification at MQF Level 7 or higher, serving for a maximum of two (2) years.
Kindly be informed that individuals employed full time within institutions that are licensed by the Authority will not be eligible for consideration for these positions. Individuals who provide consultancy services to MFHEA licensed institutions, are also not eligible to apply.
In order to express your interest, please submit the following documents:
- A detailed curriculum vitae (CV)
- A cover letter highlighting your qualifications and explaining your interest in serving on the committee.
Application Deadline: Monday 20th May 2024
Please email your CV and cover letter to [email protected]
If you have any questions or require further information about the QAC or the application process, please contact [email protected]
Data Protection
Any information provided in the documentation related to applicants is subject to EU legislation on protection of personal data and confidentiality of information.