Call for Expression of Interest: Selection of Experts
The Malta Further and Higher Education Authority is launching an open Call for Expression of Interest for two experts with experience in Quality Assurance in higher education to revise and further develop the External Quality Assurance Provider Audit Manual of Procedures (Manual of Procedures) as part of the Erasmus+ Programme project.
Manual of Procedures includes the following tasks:
- Revise and update the National Quality Assurance Framework Standards (NQAF)
- Include indicators/criteria for VET providers, based on the EQAVET Framework
- Include criteria for providers with online provision, based on the guidelines for QA for online learning providers in Malta.
- Include existing procedures for programme audits
The Manual of Procedures shall be finalized and published by the end of August 2022. The remuneration for this project is Euro 5,000 per expert.
Interested applicants are to submit an email with a CV and motivation letter to [email protected] with subject [Call for Expression of Interest: Selection of experts] by not later than 10th December.