Call for Expression of Interest for two VET QA Experts
The Malta Further and Higher Education Authority is launching an open Call for Expression of Interest for two VET QA experts. Preference will be given to those with a formal qualification in Quality assurance. Consideration will also be given to those with experience in Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training to create resources to support the development of the CPD course such as lecture notes, videos, recorded webinars and power points. This activity is part of the Erasmus + Programme project ‘CPD in VET Quality Assurance’
Purpose of the Call
The MFHEA aims to “foster the development and achievement of excellence in further and higher education in Malta through research, effective licensing, accreditation, quality assurance, and recognition of qualifications established under the Malta Qualifications Framework.” – (Source: Chapter 327, Education Act)
The main objective is to design comprehensive materials for a CPD course that encompass all essential components to ensure effective learning.
The experts will be requested to develop the materials for the following modules:
- Strategy, policies and procedures
- Maintaining Internal Quality Assurance
- Work based Learning
- Internationalisation
- Micro Credentials
- Innovation in teaching and Learning.
The tasks shall be completed, and all documents submitted to the MFHEA by the 31st of December 2025. The remuneration for this project is EUR 7,300per module per expert (incl. VAT)
Interested applicants are to submit an email with a CV, scanned copies of certificates of qualification and motivation letter to [email protected] with subject [Call for Expression of Interest: Design curricular materials] no later than the 12th December 2024.