Step by Step
This information is intended to provide you with guidance on how to request a recognition statement online. In case the below information is not sufficient, you may seek further assistance at the one-stop-shop centres or contact their service call centres on Freephone 153. Alternatively, one can email MQRIC on [email protected].
In this section input your personal details. All fields are mandatory.
In this section input your postal address. In case you change your postal address, inform us via email on [email protected]. If the address is not filled, applicant will not be offered the option to have his statement delivered by post, but would be received by email.
Please tick the reason why you need a recognition statement. This information is for statistical purposes only.
After filling the basic information, the system will proceed to the below page where you can start filling information about your qualification.
Please first determine if you have an actual qualification or are enquiring about a qualification. In the case of the latter, please tick the ‘prospective application’ box. Once you have determined if your qualification is actual or prospective, please choose country from the drop down menu, then proceed to choose awarding body, and finally the qualification.
If qualification does not show, despite identifying the awarding body, or even the awarding body could not be found, please refer to Step 7.
IMPORTANT: When determining the Country of Awarding Body, one must identify the Awarding Body/Institution, which is distinct from the place/building where the training or education was provided. This can be done by looking at the certificate which will have a reference to the said awarding body.
After you fill in all the details of your qualification, press “Add” to confirm the qualification you wish to be recognised. In case of a mistake, you may always click “Clear” before ‘adding’ your qualification. You may wish to add more than one qualification to be assessed by clicking “Add” which allows you to repeat the same process for additional qualifications.
At this stage, the application process will offer the option for a Fast Track process which may be opted by clicking the applicable tick box.
If your qualification is present in the data base after selecting “Add” this is displayed as per screen hereunder.
If you wish to remove the qualification inputted, click “Delete”.
If your qualification has never been assessed by the MQRIC, you will be asked to enter more information and upload the necessary documentation.
IMPORTANT – please upload all documents related to the identified qualification (e.g. certificate, diploma supplement, apostilled translation, etc…) ensure that these are uploaded together in one batch. The upload has an 8 MB limit to cover all these documents.
After pressing “Add”, your inputted qualifications are displayed as per screen shown hereunder.
- Here you may wish to remove the qualification inputted by clicking “Delete”.
- The system will show the total cost for the services provided. If you wish to receive the statement by post, an additional charge applies.
- It is very important to read and tick the disclaimer before proceeding.
The final step is to submit payment in order for MQRIC to start the recognition process.