Internal Quality Assurance
Internal Quality Assurance is a flywheel of the whole QA process. Providers shall have the primary responsibility for the quality of their provision and its quality assurance. Each IQA needs to be designed to be fit for purpose according to the provider’s courses and service users.
The National Qualifications Framework has 11 Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) standards. These apply to further, higher and adult formal provision in Malta regardless of the mode of study or place of delivery, including transnational and cross-border provision. The IQA Standards:
- Set-up and publication of an effective policy for quality assurance;
- Institutional probity both financial and institutional;
- Appropriate design and approval of programmes;
- Student-centred learning, teaching and assessment that encourages students taking an active role;
- Published and consistently applied regulations for student admission, progression, recognition and certification;
- Competence and effectiveness of teaching staff;
- Appropriate learning resources and student support;
- Collection, analysis and use relevant information for the effective management of programmes and other activities;
- Appropriate public information;
- On-going monitoring and periodic review of programmes;
- Cyclical external quality assurance.